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123Bride Ltd

United Kingdom

123Bride Ltd - Andover, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Unit 2, OYO Fairground Business Park, Weyhill
SP11 7LL

About 123Bride Ltd

Category: Weddings - Services, Products, Catering, Flowers, Stationery, Video, Sundry

123Bride ltd is a dedicated service provider to small business owners and their customers. We create the best experience possible to our vendors who want to showcase their work and receive the maximum amount of exposure. We are proud to a part of a world that means so much to people and to give the easiest and most accessible service to everyone who wants to book a wedding or an event in the shortest time possible.

Hours of Operation: 9 am to 5 pm

Payment Methods: Stripe card payments & Paypal

Services Offered: Makeup consultations, Service directory

Products Offered: Bridal Lingerie, personalized wedding gifts, wedding accessories

Areas Served: UK


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