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Click to show Harambee House - Cedar Rapids, IA, USA

Harambee House

Cedar Rapids

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404 17th St SE
Cedar Rapids
Postal Address
404 17th St SE
Cedar Rapids

About Harambee House

Category: Social Service & Welfare Organizations

Harambee House is an association, club or organization in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 52403-2626. Situated at 404 17th St SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 52403-2626 you can contact Harambee House by phone at 3193661408 without delay. Harambee House is listed in the category Associations & Organizations using search tags alliances, institutions and cooperatives or even committees or federations. Harambee House’s own business description is Social Service & Welfare Organizations. Within our listings for Associations & Organizations we have 424 different sub categories including categories like Membership Sport - Recreation Club, Farm and Agricultural Advisory Service, Clubs - Billiards & Snooker, Gay & Lesbian Organizations or Migrant Organisations

At Find-Us-Here.com, our directory listings in or near Cedar Rapids, Iowa include a huge selection from well over one million different clubs, organizations and associations on our books. These might include Athletic Clubs, Boards Of Trade, Country Music Clubs or other various organisms. So, whatver you are looking for in Cedar Rapids or, more generally, in Iowa, you'll be sure to find them on these pages. Don't hesitate to contact Harambee House on 3193661408 and discuss your Social Service & Welfare Organizations requirements.


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