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Kaplan & Grady


Kaplan & Grady - Chicago, IL, USA

2071 N Southport Ave, Suite 205

About Kaplan & Grady

Category: Attorneys

Kaplan & Grady is a fast-growing litigation boutique law firm with a national practice, located in Chicago, Illinois, focused on complex commercial litigation, civil rights, prisoners’ rights, and catastrophic prison and jail cases. The firm was founded by former partners at large, elite law firms. Kaplan & Grady draws on the best of that experience to provide top-tier representation in a setting that permits greater flexibility on fees, personal attention from senior attorneys, and continuous innovation. The firm maintains its high standards through the efforts of its remarkably talented, dedicated, and diverse team of lawyers and staff, who have come to Kaplan & Grady from global firms, boutiques, government service positions, and public interest organizations.


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